Pantu Campaign Page

Other Campaigns I am involved in:

Despora Campaign
Dunedan Campaign

Campaign Background




History of Pantu (updated)

Points of Interest

Map of Pantu

Cast and Crew

Current Campaign Journals

Previous Campaign Journals

Dramatis Persona

Current Group Members

Caer - Human Male - Druid
Candrize - Human Female - Wizard
Eric of the Light (sabbatical)- Human Male - Cleric of Pelor
Jal`ron - Half-elven Male - Sorcerer
Rube - Gnomish Male - Acrobat/Rogue?


Serena (joining party) - Elven Female - Fighter?


Ceren (returned home) - NPC Centaur Female - Ranger
Daerel (returned to her people) - NPC Drow Female - Priestess/Princess
Zir`ta (deceased) - NPC Elven Male - Sorcerer/Wizard

Journal Entries

12 Sept 2003

Almost a month has passes since the party returned to the Elven city and was rewarded for their brave deed. The Elven people have been celebrating the end to the war with the Drow and the banishment of the traitor, Var`den. The Queen declared that this group of brave souls would be elevated within their community to the ranks of Lord or Lady, and that they would be considered members of her court. Rube, as a typical gnome, enjoyed the celebration with gusto. Caer spent all his time in the past month overseeing the planting of the western forest, bring back the health and vitality to it. Jal`ron did as Jal`ron does, rejoicing in his new found nobility and acceptance within the city of his home, which, in his childhood, was a place he preferred to be away from. Eric prayed to Pelor regularly and enjoyed his time with the Elves. Candrize, not understanding the ways of the Elves, mourned the loss of Zir`ta, who had let it be known that he considered her as a daughter.

Towards the end of the Month of Celebration a delegation from Sa`veigh arrived, led by a Gnomish noble named Brock. He sought and found Rube, requesting, almost begging for Rube's help, and that of the party, to rid Sa`veigh of a new scourge. Brock explained to Rube, Jal`ron and Serena of the Black Riders who would ride into towns and villages, kill or kidnap, and leave as quickly as they came. Rube, in his inebriated state, obliged Brock, and committed the party to aid the people of Sa`veigh and rid them of this scourge.

Serena, having decided to remain in Pantu, instead of returning to her land far across the sea, and offered her assistance to the party and the people of Sa`veigh, seeing this as an opportunity to see the sights of this new land. Rube went to fine Caer, asking him for his assistance, but Caer, ever watchful of the forest and all that grows, was reluctant to join them in this new quest, stating that he would have to ask the trees which he feels closer to that any other, except of course, for Solomariah, and would let them know of his decision in the morning. Meanwhile, back at the tree city, Jal`ron persuaded Candrize to join them, hoping that this would take her mind off of her loss and renew her desire to move on. Serena convinced Eric to rejoin them, instead of returning to Brilog and his life with the temple, seeing the need for a cleric, Eric decides to remain with them.

After waking, the party reformed, collected what they needed, Jal`ron summoned Serena, while Rube, Eric and Candrize went to find Caer, who hadn't shown up to the appointed meeting place. Finding Caer, and collecting Serena, the party finally reformed and headed west towards Sa`veigh, where they believed they would begin their task. They rode through the day and into the night, arriving at Last Hold, the last town of the kingdom of Sa`veigh, but Rube informed them something is definitely wrong, for when they arrived, it was found that there was now a wall built around the town, which was not there before, and the Militia had formed into an army. Upon arrival, even within the walls, the town seemed deserted, windows shuttered, few people on the streets, and armed patrols walking about. Caer, not wishing to be indoors, went to the park with Solomariah, while the others found an Inn, the Dead Rooster. While asking for rooms and ordering food, the Innkeeper spoke to them of dark things. He spoke of the Black Riders, who, two months previously rode to Last Hold, killed and kidnapped then left. He told them that he saw them ride south, but a drunken man interrupted and told them that the Riders were from the Mountains, that the dwarves had awoken an evil which is now besieging Sa`veigh. The Innkeeper quieted the drunk and told the party of a man in Sa`veigh who might have more information, Kerrel Done, the wealthiest man in the Kingdom. It was suggested that they speak with Kerrel, for rumor had it that his brother had gone to find and destroy the Black Riders and returned, vacant eyed and no more than a vegetable. Meanwhile in the park, Caer is harassed by the Town Guard, informing him he could not remain out of doors at night due to a curfew. Caer, not wishing to be indoors, informed them of such, and bluffed them into letting him remain in the park.

The following morning the party set out, after informing Caer of their discoveries. Caer asked if they'd learned anything about a fire, explaining that the tree in the park told him how the air was choked out by ash and soot and foulness. Before they could leave, a man, in fact the drunk from the previous night approached them, sober yet distraught he told them more of the Riders, he told them of the day they came and how they killed one person, some animals, and kidnapped a friend of his, Laina. He spoke of ash and soot filling the air on their arrival, and how he barely survived the attack as the very air was choked from his lungs and he had to get inside lest he die of suffocation. He begged them to return Laina to him, offering them gold and riches, as he was the moneychanger here, and had money to give, he said he would give everything he owned to them if they returned her to him.

The party finally set out via the west gate, heading along the road towards Sa`veigh. After many hours of uneventful travel, the party crosses a swatch of ash and soot across the road. Investigating further, they note that the swatch is more like a large trail leading north northwest towards the desert. While investigating this strange scene they hear thunder in the distance to the north but chalk it up to a coming storm. After a short time investigating this foul smelling debris Caer points out a cloud on the northern horizon, as more thunder is heard, an incoming storm. As they watched the cloud the noted that the thunder was growing louder, and that the cloud was moving towards them at high speed prompting them to find cover off the apparent path that they now stood. They moved off to a small stand of trees where they waited, watching the cloud grow quickly, and within 30 minutes they were engulfed in a cloud of soot and ash and noxious fumes, luckily having taken the precaution of covering their noses and mouths with cloths, none died, but several were left choking and coughing until the cloud dissipated. Once they could see again, it was discovered that some did not survive, littering the ground were small birds and animals who apparently died from the noxious fumes in the wake of the riders, as well as leaving the party covered in soot and ash.

Determined to move on with their quest, they tried to decide on their next course of action. Rube suggested that they head west to Sa`veigh, but Caer, feeling more for the trees and plants and animals decided to follow the riders, hoping to catch them and destroy them for their damage to the plants and animals. Serena, not wanting to lose Caer to folly, made him swear that he would only look, and not attempt to engage the enemy on his own, since he was going to transform into a great bird, able to fly farther and faster than the party could travel on land. Caer agreed and took to Bird form and flew away, following the path left by the Riders, clearly indicating that they crossed the Great River, and rode to the Dark Forest, all trace of them disappearing at the edge of the forest, so he returned with his news. Determined to proceed, they followed the path, coming to the Great River, where they setup camp and cleaned themselves of the ash and soot which covered them.

19 Sept 2003

Upon waking from a night's rest, the party began discussing what to do, go to the forest as Caer wanted, or go to Sa`veigh and do further research and investigation. Serena took no sides in the issue, letting the others decide which course of action to take, her only issue, that the party remain together whatever they do. After a bit of argument, it was finally decided to go to the forest, so they began their travels. Attempting to cross the river proved problematic, as it was 60 feet across and they didn't know it's depth except at the bank. Rube and his pony started to cross, but quickly learned that the river was indeed deeper than expected. A 3 hour trek to the bridge to the west proved their best choice, so after 6 hours, they found themselves back at the river across from where they camped. Caer noticed that the ashen trail had dissipated from view and urged the party to move quickly, lest they lose the trail completely. 2 hours later, they arrived at the edge of the forest, the ashen trail all but gone, it was then decided that they go in. Caer led the way, and the party was plunged into a preternatural darkness, and although only a few feet away from the edge of the forest, the light was almost completely blotted out, hence showing the reason for the name "The Dark Forest". Caer, ever resourceful, lighted their way with a makeshift torch by casting Light on a branch, this proved useful, so they proceeded further into the forest. Just as Caer's torch failed a light ahead of them was noticed by Jal`ron so they proceeded towards it, finding themselves out of the forest and looking at a grassy plain. Rube noticed horses several yards away to the west, these proved to be their own horses, indicating that they went in a circle, only to emerge several yards east of their starting position.

Caer, ever undaunted, insisted on going back in and trying again, but he had no more light spells memorized and it was getting late, as the earlier travels and foray took most of the day. They camped about a mile north towards the river for safety, not wanting to be surprised by anyone or thing attacking them from the forest. During the night Rube heard a noise and awakened Serena only moments before 3 giant spiders attacked. Rube and Serena fought for the lives of the party, but the sound of battle awoke the rest and they joined in the fight. Rube took a few strikes from one spider which proved hard to kill, but all spiders went down quickly. Solomariah, always thinking of his stomach, started to eat the carcasses, but Caer warned his wolf companion that they don't know where they came from and that the carcasses might be poisonous. In the morning it was discovered that the carcasses were gone, Solomariah indicated to Caer that he hadn't eaten them, leaving the party with yet another mystery to weigh on their minds.

Returning to the forest the following morning, they again attempted another foray into the forest, this time with Caer leading the way and prepared with sufficient light spells memorized for several hours of travel. He created a torch and in they went. Again travel proved difficult, as light from elsewhere was nonexistent, and the trees and brush blocked their way, forcing them in anything less than a straight line. One torch went out and Caer created another, extending their time travelling, and hoping it would be enough to get them to where they wanted to go, yet they didn't know where that was. Just as the second torch was extinguished, and before Caer could create another, Rube and Jal`ron noticed a light ahead of them, but it proved that when they again emerged from the darkness, they were outside of the forest, several yards west of their horses this time. Jal`ron's disapproval of their folly was growing, and he insisted that they do as they'd promised the emissary, Brock, and go to Sa`veigh, But Caer, irritated but undaunted, insisted they give it one more try. This time, they tool 3 lengths of rope tied end to end, forming a 150 foot rope, Caer cast his last light spell on it and tied it to Serena's waist, she then entered the forest to the length of the rope, then the others followed when she tugged, they did this a number of times, Serena going 150 feet as straight as she could, tugging, then waiting for the party to join her. This was done a number of times, until the light spell ceased, and light ahead was shown. Caer, was now skeptical of their success, they proceeded towards it and out into the light, this time, no horses were to be found, indicating that they'd arrived out of the forest either some further distance away, or elsewhere. Rube thought they'd gone completely through the forest. Caer, having kept track of the time, indicated that the sun was in the wrong position. Caer took to bird form and flew up, making larger and larger circles. When he returned he indicated that he'd found the horses and the party's new position, stating that they were now to the west of the forest, only a few miles from the Wastes, a desolate land which the Gnomes of Sa`veigh mine for months at a time.

Caer went ahead in bird form to the horses, bringing them west, while the party traveled north to meet him, and 2 1/2 hour later they were together again, mounts and party, and deciding what to do. Jal`ron, annoyed at the folly of the last two days insisted that they go to Sa`veigh, so Caer, finally at wits end, gave in and they traveled Northwest to the road. After a night's rest in the wastes they continued on, making the the road several hours later and travelling west until they came upon a wrecked and burned caravan at the crossroad to the south. Three dead gnomes were discovered and crates of raw uncut gems. Rube, recognizing what this represented, indicated that there were 12 gnomes unaccounted for, that there should have been 15 on the caravan, and that it was probably headed to Sa`veigh from the mines. Ash and soot were all around, indicating that the caravan was attacked by the Black Riders, and showing that they'd traveled in a straight line from the forest to this spot. Solomariah indicated that there was a scent of gnomes who'd traveled south on foot, and Rube indicated that there was a town not far to the south, so the party proceeded there. While travelling they came upon a wagon of Gnomes, all armed, who told them that the rest of the caravan's mining crew were back at the town and that the caravan belonged to Keller Done. The Gnomes were on their way to retrieve the cargo and the slain Gnomes, while the party continued south to the town. When they got to town, all eyes were on them, strangers were unknown in this place, especially Elves and Humans, but after a brief inquiry, it was discovered that the survivors had gone to Hospital, a place the Gnomes created to care for the sick and injured.

26 Sept 2003

After speaking with Pog at the Gnomish hospital our intrepid adventurers determined that the caravan was indeed attacked by the Black Riders, and further determined that gnomes were kidnapped. Meanwhile, Caer stayed outside and planted a seed in the hopes of bringing some life and green to this desolate place.

Having gained the information they sought, the party headed to Sa`veigh, their trip was uneventful. The Tinker's Tavern, an inn which Rube was quite familiar proved to be the best place to stay while they conducted their investigations. Caer, ever the outdoors type, found the one and only park in town, more a centerpiece of the city. The Park was constructed, according to the stories, before the rest of the city was, forming a center for the city to be built around, what they believed to be a symbol of the live outside Sa`veigh. While Caer investigated this home away from home, the rest of the party ate and drank and then rested, deciding to begin their inquiries in the morning. Meanwhile, Caer discovered that the oak tree at the center of the park was also home to a wood nymph, a young naked elven looking girl who watched over Caer as he slept. Caer spoke with her, finding that she's been with this tree since it was brought to Sa`veigh, and tended by another Druid. She told Caer of how she wished to return to the forest, that the tree which was her home, had been stolen from the forest and needed to be returned, Caer vowed to help the wood nymph and return her and the tree to the forest.

The following morning the rest party went to the home of Kerrel Done, the second wealthiest man in Sa`veigh. Upon arrival they had to contend with a deaf butler, but were saved by the master of the estate, Kerrel Done himself. Kerrel was not very forthcoming, but after a bit of diplomatic talk, the party was invited into his home, where they were introduced to his brother, the only man to go to the Dark Forest and return alive. Although alive, Kerrel's brother was still no more than a vegetable, he just stares straight ahead, no sign of life other than his breathing can be noticed. Kerrel spoke of how his brother was discovered in the eastern wastes wandering, only days after his party had gone into the forest. With his brother were discovered two items which were held in a death grip, a large glowing ruby about the size of a human man's fist, and an amulet with strange symbols upon it. Kerrel allowed the party to examine them, but little was discovered except that they were indeed magical, and that the ruby possessed some form of necromantic magic. They were told that some investigation as to what they were had been done, with little result. More haggling and the party left with the items.

Rube decided to find out who this mysterious Brock was, having found that Kerrel also knew nothing of him. Having decided that the cryptic message had been from his father, Rube went to the tinker's shop to seek him out. A young apprentice there informed Rube that his father was probably at the Tinker's Tavern, that he's spent much time there of late, but had hoped that Rube would return. Rube joined the rest of the party at the tavern, and there also found a loud mouthed old gnome whom he knew all too well. Rube went to speak with the man he hadn't seen in many years, receiving a gruff greeting, he sat down and decided to find out why he was summoned back. Rube was informed that his father had indeed seen the Riders, that he'd made some goggles that allowed him not to be blinded by the cloud which accompanied them. He also informed Rube that the Riders were indeed from the forest, and that they wore black armor with what looked like glowing red rubies on their chests. After a bit more arguing, Rube went back to his friends and informed them of what he'd learned.

1 & 3 October 2003

After purchasing supplies and such in Sa`veigh, the party left early in the morning to return to the Dark Forest. Along the way they saw 1 caravan, heavily armed and protected, and two other travellers. In short order, and almost 4 days travel, they arrived back at the forest, ready to enter the forest and discover what was behind the Black Riders and possibly the forest's deep dark reputation itself.

While trying to determine if the amulet required a command or other magical incantation, Eric decided to forge ahead and walked into the forest, the others followed quickly and, along with Eric, were plunged into the gloom and darkness which they'd seen before. Light from torches helped a bit for their travels, and they traveled a long way, seemingly for days they traveled, yet Caer, ever aware of the natural cycles, determined that they'd traveled but 12 hours. Tired and weary from their journey, they decided to stop and rest so they sought a good safe place to do so. Off the path, a clearing was discovered, so they went there and made their camp to rest and recover. During the night they were besieged by three skeletons which were dispatched quickly. Discovered on one of the skeletons was another amulet like the one they'd gotten from Kerrel Done. Completing their rest, the party travelled further into the forest, but during their travel heard a sound they'd heard before, that of thunder, this thunder though was not from the weather, but from their quarry. They took off the road and waited, covering their mouths and noses so as to not be overcome by the ash and fumes of the Rider's passing. Rube, in possession of his father's goggles, put those on as well, and they waited. Within a short time the riders passed, soot and ash was left as before, but the party's precautions did the trick and they were not overcome. Soon the air cleared and they looked at what was left. Rube announced that he saw five riders, that they were indeed dressed in black armor, each possessing a faintly glowing red ruby in their chests about the size of a human man's fist. The party recovered from this and continued on, but several hours later, and within sight of a clearing, the riders returned, Rube took to the wall of the keep at the forest's center, while the others took to the forest and waited. After the Rider's passing, the party gathered together to discover that 1: Rube was now missing, and 2: the ash and soot that covered them and the path earlier was no longer there.

Determining that Rube might have entered the fortress when the Rider's did, the party tried to determine how to enter. They found the wall to be high and strong, and the gate doors to be the same. Some magic was tried to no avail, so Serena climbed to wall and lowered a rope to the others. Caer, not wishing to leave Solomariah below, determined that he'd stay, while the others struggled to gain the wall top. Eric had trouble with his familiar, Charlotte, and the others had their own difficulties, but finally they made it to the top. Caer, calling on the forces of nature, made himself an entrance below the gate doors and crawled through, only to find two skeleton guards on the other side. The others, unaware of the fight below, saw Rube head to the gates and then heard the sound of battle. The rest dropped from the wall and assisted, and quickly, the guards were dispatched. Rube informed them that six nightmares were in the stables, and that there was one roaming skeleton.

While discussing their next move, a skeleton emerged from the main house and headed towards them, stopping several feet away. They began their attacks on their new adversary, only to be asked, by the skeleton, to stop and listen. Taken aback by this unforeseen event, the party waited to hear what was to be said, so the skeleton continued and invited them to the main house for a banquet in their honor. Surprised that the skeleton even spoke, let alone invited them to a banquet and knew their names, the party accepted and were escorted to the house. Upon entering the mansion, several of their number were overcome by vertigo and passed out, while several others were not, but they did experience a strange sensation, that of vertigo and some visual changes. A butler, formerly the skeleton, greeted them and instructed them to make themselves at home while he announce the party's arrival.

The rest came to and recovered, so they decided that while waiting, they'd check out some of the house. The west to the north and entered a library, where after searching, found a desk, chairs, sofa, and books with blank pages. Rube, sat down in a chair and was subsequently attacked by the chair, the arms folding in on him and something that felt like teeth biting at his back. The party struggled to free Rube from this predicament, and with all their strength and determination, as well as Serena's strength, freed Rube. The chair returned to normal appearance, showing no signs that it was anything more than a chair. The butler's return distracted them from the chair's attack, and soon they were escorted, against Caer's better judgement, to the banquet hall. The smells and sights of food and gluttony were apparent as soon as they entered. A banquet feast layed out, the likes of which even the richest of kings has never had. Ten men were in attendance, each looking wealthy and opulent, were being fed by a naked woman chained to their chairs. The men were enjoying the attention and the feast beyond reckoning. Caer and Eric, were the only ones to see what was truly before them, a feast of garbage, slop and all kinds of offal. The men, not feasting, but being force fed, the women, still as the others saw, being compelled to force feed those they served, none of them enjoying this at all. Rube, Jal`ron and Serena, though, felt the pangs of hunger and tried to get to what they perceived as a feast, while Eric and Caer blocked their way. Finally, the others started to see what was before them, all but Rube, who, although not seeing it, was brought around to reason, and they left the banquet hall.

Back in the main entry, a nude woman, happily laughing and being chased by a man, descended the stairs and disappeared into another room. The party, not sure, decided to go upstairs, finding many rooms. They entered one room, all but Caer, to find what looked like a bordello suite, those that saw truly, saw the horror of torture which they would not, in more words than disgusting, describe to those in their company. The horror, though, divulged that those they saw were being tortured, and no pleasures were to be found here. Rube disagreed, as he saw the pleasures which this place displayed. Entering another room they discovered a demon torturing a woman, so they attacked and dispatched the demon swifter than they thought possible. the woman, calling for help, was determined after releasing her was the lost Laina from Last Hold. Also discovered in the room was a set of armor, black as pitch with a faint glow of a red ruby in the chest plate. Candrize decided to remain with the girl, and the rest, after hearing from Laina of a dungeon and a man who might know what was behind this place, decided to see to it and stop the riders. While heading downstairs one of them determined that the demon they dispatched was in fact one of the Rider's, and that the armor was his. The decided that the ruby in it's armor was of importance and determined to retrieve it. Going back up, they started towards the armor when Serena stopped them, asking how the ruby, if it is similar to the one that Kerrel Done's brother had, was activated. Deciding, after discussion that it was most likely a command word, they determined to retrieve the stone, Serena approached, drew a dagger and grasped the stone, only to fall into catalepsy, the ruby now glowing brighter and pulsating as the other. Determining that the gem somehow sucked the soul from Serena, and also determining that the gem was now safe to touch as it's magic was spent and it's captive now held, they retrieved the stone safely. Candrize now watched over the now soulless Serena and the distraught Laina and the party proceeded to the dungeon.

After struggling slightly with the door, Rube opened it, revealing a spiral staircase down, made of stone and bearing no banister. Lighting a torch they descended. 30 feet, 60 feet, 120 feet, finally arriving, more than 180 feet below the manor, to the bottom, where a torch lit the stairs and little more. Rube scouted further into the darkness and returned shortly to announce a hallway some 60 feet away. Distracting them from further investigate, a bolt flew by Rube, and a newly lit torch showed four armed men barring their way. The battle was fierce but the party dispatched their attackers, leaving them more determined than before.

8 & 10 & 17 October 2003

After the battle, the group proceeded to the hallway now about 30' away, they entered it and proceeded down the hall to a T intersection. They proceeded left to a door, finding it locked with an unusual lock, Jal`ron went back to search the guards. The rest of the party hesitated to follow, but finally did, only to arrive just as Jal`ron was finishing the search. They went back to the door, found that the key which Jal`ron had found was not the right one, but Rube was still able to pick the lock. Inside, shackles on the far wall of a cell, the floor covered in what looked to be blood.

Finding nothing of value in the cell the party began to proceed west, but heard sounds of screams of torment and pain from the east so they followed. Proceeding down the hallway they came to a northern passage which contained many doors on either side of the hall, too many to count or even check. They did, though, check the first door, which contained a man laying on the floor, chained to the wall, when they opened the door, the chains retracted, pulling the man to his feet. he identified himself as a jailor of a kingdom which none in the party had ever heard of, saying that this was his punishment for his deeds. Caer determined that this was most probably a soul rather than a man, the punished soul of a man who was now getting in death what he'd done in life. More screams of torment and pain are heard further down the hall, so the party proceeds, peering into each cell, they see a different form of torture being perpetrated on the occupant.

Deciding that they can't check all the cells and determining that these are the tortured souls of those who have died, they proceeded back to the south and west where they found a hallway north, but decided to bypass this one and proceed further. Going back, they checked the north corridor, finding at the end a single door with but a bolt to hold the door closed. Opening the door they found a 15' chasm, beyond which was a ledge approximately 20' deep, and on this ledge was an elderly looking man in tattered robes. The tried to speak to him, but he only responded in demented rhyming speech, but from what he said, they determined he must know something. He requested that they find a book, and, after Rube jumped the chasm, the man showed him a small hand mirror, in which Rube saw a book on a pedestal surrounded by 5 black candles and an unidentifiable tapestry behind it. The elderly man was unable to tell them where it was, but said "to end the world, bring the book". They finally decided to leave the old man there, Rube returned to his friends, and the old man, wishing them to find his book, threw the mirror across to them, Jal`ron almost dropped it, but Rube, deft of agility, caught it. They proceeded on.

Coming to another T intersection the party decided to go south (left), which took them down to a hallway to the west. Turning into this hallway they came to a pair of doors and choose the left hand one to try first. Inside they found a forest, yes a forest, green and beautiful. Caer spiked the door open and entered, leaving the party and Solomariah to keep lookout. Determining that this might be a safe place, they decided to rest and recuperate. Caer determined to take to bird form and fly over the forest, which the rest of the party went to retrieve Candrize, Laina, and the now comatose Serena. Rube, Jal`ron and Eric went back, found their way up the stairs to a closed door which they determined they hadn't closed. Throwing caution to the wind, they entered, finding themselves right where they expected, behind the main stairs in the mansion, so they went upstairs, retrieved their friends and proceeded back down. Meanwhile, Caer flew over the forest, finding to the west a snow covered forest, impassable, to the south, men cutting down the forest, and to the east, men burning the forest. Outraged, Caer lands near the men burning the forest, finding that they don't even seem to notice him, he casts quench, putting out the fire and the torches. Unperturbed, the men remake and light their torches, proceeding to burn the forest as before. Caer gave up and returned to his starting point, finding Solomariah there, and the rest of the party just returning.

Determining that the destroyers of the forest won't be there for another 2 days, they decided it was a safe place to rest, so they did. the following day they were approached by a doe who, to the surprise of the party, was able to speak common. She told that the destroyers were always coming and when they arrived, it would all be gone, for to the north was a mountain face that was unpassable, as well as the snow covered forest and mountain to the west. she seemed undisturbed by this, and finally went on her way. Shortly after this a squirrel arrived looking for "the other", asking in it's squeaky high pitched and very fast speech. It finally went on it's way after determining that "the other" was not there.

They finally packed up, determined it would be best to leave Serena, Laina and Candrize there while the rest continued to explore. They proceeded to the door across, Rube opened it and behind they looked into what appeared to be a volcano, a face in the heat and flames said "Why do you disturb me? You must pay for this intrusion", the party closed the door quickly. Proceeding further west they came to two more doors, opening the northern one they found a cavern with a pile of rocks which came to life and spoke to them, asking why they disturbed it. The party spoke to the rock creature, trying to determine a way down to the live captives area, the rock seemed to know nothing about this, but said for a fee it'd make them a stairway. When asked what the fee was, it said that they were to join with him. Unsure what this meant they asked, so the creature created what looked like a grave in front of him, the party decided this was not a good idea. They moved to the next door, finding a sky blue scape and clouds, with no floor or walls, they moved to the end of the hall to a final door. Opening this one they looked upon a raging sea, a wave reared up and asked why they disturbed it, this they decided was the end and closed the door.

Proceeding back and went south, this corridor led them to another T intersection, which they decided to go east, finding a door in the south. Opening the complex lock, the found what looked like a library or study, repleat with books, desk, chairs and a burning fireplace. They searched the room, Jal`ron found a scroll which he broke the seal on and found it was a list of the kingdoms of their world and their party's names on it, and a seal at the bottom burned into the parchment. Another scroll was found, and some keys, the new parchment contained what appeared to be another list, but in a script undecipherable to any in the party. Rube opened a chest to find a blood red robe sized for someone at least 8' tall, a kris dagger, and two pouches. Inside one was a ruby, glowing faintly and not appearing to take any one's soul, and in the other a petrified heart. while continuing to search the fireplace a voice was heard from the door "You will find nothing there". Turning they saw an 8' tall devilish looking figure, dressed in fine robes. This devil, speaking smoothly spoke with the party, explaining that this was his domain, and that he wished a book and needed the party to find it. He explained that it was in a place he could not access, their own world, and in exchange for their retrieving it, he would release Serena from the gem and stop the Rider's from ravaging their world. Caer, ever on guard and wary, challenged "The Master", stating his own terms, to release Serena and stop the riders now in exchange for them finding the book. The Master refused to accept stating that his deal with the only acceptable one, while care stated the same, so Caer, angered, drew his sword and the party attacked. Small hits were made but no real apparent harm was seen, and the party was unharmed, but The Master summoned into being, his guards, Horned Devils, who stood their ground and guarded The Master. After more talk and bargaining it was seen to be an impasse, The Master left the room, and there the party is, determining their next move. They decided to rest before they moved on, so went back to the room with the forest, there finding the forest still there, they rejoined their companions and rested for the night.

24 October 2003

Upon awaking the prepared to move on, but Caer, concerned that the men who were destroying the forest might be at their location soon decided it was time to move out, so everyone moved into the hall. While there and preparing to continue their investigations of this place, a gnome approached them and asked if they had an answer to The Master's request. Caer told him no, and the nervous gnome left, shortly aftwards a howl of anger and a scream of pain was heard ringing through the dungeon.

Moving on, the party decided to check out the door where The Master was last seen going by Jal`ron, so they went north to the end, finding a metal bound door. Rube discovered that the door was trapped, and set to blast the hallway with fire if it was sprung. People moved back while Rube worked on it, and Caer cast resist fire on Rube. Unfortunately, Rube was not deft enough and set off the trap, but was protected and not harmed badly. He continued but was still unable to, so Jal`ron cast knock which unlocked the door. The trap was set off once more, but again no one was injured and they proceeded into the room. A circular room was discovered with a stone pedestal with two 4 pronged risers and a basin of water, in the center of the room. After examining it, they decided to try an experiment, finding that the gems they had fit perfectly and when both gems were in place an image in the water appeared. In the basin was seen Serena, for apparently her gem was placed in the holder, she was screaming for help and pounding, trying to escape. With no further knowledge of this device or how the gems really worked, the party was left with another puzzle to solve, so they moved on to the south to investigate where they hadn't yet.

Going west they found two more rooms, one an old disused barracks room and across from it a single person's room, inside they found little, except for a journal of the former occupant. Apparently someone had been brought in and asked to form a guard force, but the first entry was dated over 100 years earlier and the last, 2 years earlier. It was in the last entry that was discovered that whoever hired this man as displeased and had been killing the guards in anger over their inability to find a book, the Captain was also in fear for his own life. In the next room they found a mess hall, in which were two huge centipedes, battle ensued and the party was victorious, but another riddle, how did the centipedes get there and how did they grow so big?

Further down a stairway was discovered, so they went down. They found a large room, guarded by one Skeleton which they dispatched, and discovered many of those that were taken. Four large cages with people inside, some conscious, some not, many malnourished and tortured. One gnome told them that they'd been there a long time, but others had been taken, for what and where he did not know, but none returned once taken. With the help of the adventurers, the captives were led up to the forest room, strangely, the forest was still there, the predicted destruction never occurred.

Old Journals

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Last updated 11 November 2005